How are you finding business in this climate?

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Bracknell Business Insight

You can view the series of Bracknell Business Insight breakfast events at on Youtube. The next event is for CocaCola so don't miss out! Book now!

I am proud to shout about the fact that I designed, built and host the Bracknell Business Insight website on behalf of Bracknell Chamber of Commerce.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

innov8 graphic design is an I-ntarsia Reseller for I-Next

We have now been an I-ntarsia Reseller for a while and I can honestly say it's one of the best business decisions I have made.

innov8 graphic design is about exactly that - Graphic Design, so to have a fully comprehensive content management system that just slots in to our designs is something we have been waiting for, for a long time. Plus with the technical team available for any queries or problems we are fully set to provide any kind of website from a basic brochure site to a full e-commerce shopping experience. The level of security with an I-ntarsia site is brilliant so there are no worries there either. So from as little as £15 a month our clients can really use their websites as a marketing tool to grow their businesses as well as much more.

Being an I-ntarsia Reseller for I-Next enables us to say 'yes' to what our clients ask for in a website, whatever size, shape style of website our clients want, we can deliver. Completely bespoke designs without template restrictions telling us where things should go on a page. It really has made the possibilities endless.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Some light Reading for the sunshine. Including my first article for all you DIY Graphic Designers!