innov8 graphic design new website is now live.
I am very pleased to have it live today because it is the 6th Birthday of innov8 graphic design. What better way to mark the occasion than a new identity. One of the reasons I wanted to refresh the logo was to make it more obvious how the name is spoken – ie "innovate graphic design". Some people did struggle with the old one because it was stacked and in fairness I did design it about 15 years ago! It was part of a university project which planted the seed for 'one day' wanting to bring it to life. Although the old logo was born in fond memories it is with much excitement that I now have the fresh new logo.
It actually pleases me a lot because I do love colour and what better way to enjoy colour than have 4 of them for different flavours of channel. The lime green is the main colour. I've introduced a fucia for social media and comms as you see on this blog. I've introduced a teal for the financial paperwork side of the business and have a purple in reserve for no better reason than it's a good vibrant colour and I like it.
As for the new website – I've built it onto the I-ntarsia platform I use for my client content managed websites. I've been working with i-next (the brains behind I-ntarsia) for 2 years now and haven't had the chance to get my own site onto the
system. I've been chipping away at it over the last year. It could have been easy to get carried away with all the things I can do with the system but i'm easing into it gently as I do prefer simplicity to clutter and don't want to over whelm the viewer.
I now benefit from the 'rss feed module' that you will see sitting under the navigation, it allows me to have all those news posts that I go fishing for delivered right onto my own website for all to see.
I am also using the 'forms module' that allows me to set up any number of forms with unique response messages and they are all validated so people can't send me blank forms anymore! lol
My portfolio pages are now displayed in a very simple but effective way using the 'anibanner' module which I very much like. It also makes life so much easier when I want to add new designs to it.
I also now have a canny little display in a rolling banner to the right under my new logo, it also is created with the 'anibanner' module. This I can update regularly to keep it fresh and show you all my new work as it comes along.
Please do go take a peek at and while you are there you could always tell me what you think via my NEW feedback form!
I am looking forward to being able to try out all the modules that are available on the I-ntarsia system so I can let my customers know what they can do on their websites too.